Brain and Mind - structure of the nervous system

Gapfill exercise

Enter your answers in the gaps. When you have entered all the answers, click on the "Check" button.

   axon      central      changes      chemical      depression      Effectors      electrical impulses      hormones      neurons      organ      pain      peripheral      prevents      spinal cord      synapses      temperature   
Receptors on the body detect in the environment.
Some are on the outside of the body, others are inside and monitor changes such as blood sugar levels or core temperature.
Skin receptors detect changes in , pressure, vibration, and stretching.
Different animals have different abilities to sense their surroundings.
Some receptors are very simple, others consist of a complex sense such as the human eye.

carry out the responses to the stimuli. Secretory glands release , muscle cells are part of an effector .
Communication between receptors and effectors is mainly through , but can also be through in the bloodstream.

Neurons are specialised cells and have a long extension called an .
The nervous system is in two parts - the nervous system (CNS) and the nervous system.
The central nervous system is made up of the brain and . It links to every part of the body. Sensory neurons link with motor neurons in the CNS. The spinal cord only processes simple responses.

Nerve impulses travel down neurons as . They cross tiny gaps called . The signal jumps across the gap through the release of a .

Human behaviour is changed by drugs and toxins, which affect the balance of the synapse chemicals.

Seratonin is a chenical released at the synapse, and it produces feelings of pleasure. Lack of seratonin has been linked to .
Prozac seratonin from being taken back from the synapse after a nerve impulse, so more nerve impulses are triggered. Prozac is used to treat . Prozac is similar to Ecstasy in the way that it works.