Brain and Mind - Learning and Memory

Gapfill exercise

Enter your answers in the gaps. When you have entered all the answers, click on the "Check" button.

   adapt      all      genes      language      learn      link      neuron      pathway      repeated      simple      Visualisation   
Animals have that control the development of their nervous systems. Receptors and effectors are linked by pathways as the animal develops.
The responses of animals such as snails and insects do not vary much from one animal to the next, and their nervous systems do not change much.
Humans and other mammals can develop and their behaviour to suit the environment.
When a nerve impulse travels along a series of neurons, a neuron is formed. New connections form, and this pathway is more likely to be followed by the next nerve impulse - this is how we .
The pathways get stronger if the action is .

If neuron 1 fires impulses close together, a is made between neuron 1 and neuron 2. More nerve impulses mean the link is stronger.
If neuron 2 fires more frequently as a result, it may create a link with neuron 3.
Eventually all 3 neurons are linked, so that when neuron 1 is fired, they fire.

can help in learning because imagining a movement creates pathways and triggers the nerve impulses.

Although the human brain can learn throughout life, learning is most easy up to the age of about eight years.